So, the two weeks after the study week were a struggle....
We are having to do all our college work online. We have been using Microsoft Teams to conduct classes.
Apparently other students in the Interactive Media Module have been struggling with the transition to online learning and having to do the project online.
Luckily, we already had a discord server where we dump files and have conversations about the project.
We also had a meeting with our tutor at the beginning of week seven, so we video chatted over discord.
She was pleased with the work we had done so far. I was continuing to work on the script. I was working on day four.
Aoife was still working on trying to get all the images done for the Beta of the game. The deadline for the Beta has also been extended to the 2nd of April, which was a relief. We were on track for the original deadline but the extra few days were well welcomed.
Aine hasn't posted anything on the Instagram yet. She is just waiting for information on what we are doing for the rest of the semester.
In week eight the restrictions were extended which meant that we have to really start thinking about what we are going to do about the exhibition.
Hopefully we will get information soon!!