Week eleven and twelve happened after the easter break. During this time I managed to get day three, four and five finished and sent to Emilia.
As I was just finished thought Emilia told me that I actually didn't need to use inkle anymore and that I could just write the script as a word document. This did annoy me a little because she could have told me this earlier.
It would have saved us so much time in the beginning when I was trying to figure out how to connect the days. I told her that I have all of the days done and I sent her the inkle files as I had put so much work into them.
She managed to work with them and everything worked out fine.
We also found out during the easter break that the deadline for the final version of the game has been moved up to the 8th of May. Although we were and still are confident we would meet this deadline it was a bit of a shock and it did worry us a little.
Week eleven was pretty uneventful for me. I had all my work done on my end so I was just asking of anybody on the needed help. I tried my best to help were I could but we are still under quarantine so I was limited in what I could do.
I worked with Aoife to make sure she knew what backgrounds she needs to draw up. The list was small enough as she already had a lot done.
We also had a meeting and we discussed how we were going to animate the text and transitions. Emilia said she would look into it. We also discussed music and Aoife created a very mellow song.
We also received our grade for the Beta of our game. We got 85 out of 100 which we were all delighted with. The one criticism was that it was a bit static but we were already on that with researching the animations.
Week twelve was similar to week eleven. I helped where I could but I really couldn't do much. All that was needed to be done this week was the finishing touches on the code and the remainder of the background images.
Emilia did find a way to animate the scene transitions and the text. She sent this video to us showcasing these animations...
We have one more week left before the we have to submit the final version of the game. I am quite confident that we will be able to meet this deadline with a good quality game...